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Welcome to the most inspiring part of our website. Please take a look at these great examples of open schools. 

Schools can count on support around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. There will be given guidelines and advices on different issues such as staff development, redesigning time, and partnerships with for instance; local industries, businesses, research centres, parents and policy makers. Finally, schools can count on a range of possible implementation models and a database full of existing ‘open school’ projects. In this project, these projects are called ‘accelerators’ and they will contribute to the transformation to an open school of participating schools.

If you have an activity or project that you think might fit into OSOS, please share it with us. Find more
information about sharing inspiring projects at the bottom of this page.


Be meaningful to your community

In a new project, Dutch learners aged 12 and 13, learn more about how to be more important to their own community. They start their…

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Transfer office to connect school and its community

A Transfer Office is a physical space in the centre of the school where daily contacts take place between the school and its community. The…

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Dark Skies Rangers Global Initiative

The international project and accelerator Dark Skies Rangers (DSR) aims to create a network of OSOS schools that will combat the problem of light pollution,…

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The School Garden

A school garden, an organic school garden, offers a place to enrich teaching efforts with powerful hands-on activities and experiences that make learning come alive,…

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The cemetery app

How are learners motivated to know more about history of their own city? In Spain, learners visited an ancient cemetery in their city. They have…

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Sharing inspiring projects

OSOS activities are an essential part of the project, as they provide schools with innovative practices with the Open Schooling culture. If you have an activity or project that you think might fit into OSOS, you can send it to us so that we can evaluate it to be an OSOS Accelerator.

This is an international project that is being carried out simultaneously in a total of 12 countries at both European and non-European level. Because of this reason, we are gathering practices from anywhere in the world. This is the procedure:

Fill in this online form with your activity data and specifications. We ask you for some information to contact you later, as well as basic information and specs about your proposal. We will evaluate the submitted proposals and make a selection of the most interesting activities for being OSOS Accelerators. We will send a template to its creators so that they can write down more detailed information about the activity. We will need this document to share it with the teachers, so we need to know some detailed information (like what do you have in mind, how you want to develop the activity, what do you need, etc.)

This process is opened for the whole OSOS Project (2017-2020), so you can submit your proposal whenever you want. University of Deusto is in charge of this task, so don’t hesitate to contact them at or at if you need any support.


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