Open Schools for Open Societies
latest news
OSOS Summer School
Are you a school head or a teacher seeking to bring innovation to your school? The OSOS Summer School offers a high-impact and transformative experience in personal and organizational level. Contributing to your own professional development, we offer significant insights and tools to implement the necessary changes and with the intervention skills to best plan and diffuse innovation in your own school, helping it evolve to an Open Schooling Environment…
About Open Schools
An open school is a more engaging environment for learning and makes a vital contribution to the community: student projects meet real needs in the community outside school and draw upon local expertise and experience. And finally: learning in and together with the real world creates more meaning and more motivation for learners and teachers.
Schools will be supported to make vital contributions to their communities, student projects will meet real needs, they will be presented publicly, and draw upon local expertise and experience.
The school environment will foster collaboration, mentoring, and will provide opportunities for learners to understand and interrogate their place in the world.
OSOS invites school heads, educators, museum professionals, researchers, parents associations and students themselves to design a new type of school. Please download our brochure

The Opens Schools for Open Societies project will support your school to implement Open Schooling approaches by:
→ Setting out the open schooling values and principles for action around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
→ Offering guidelines and advice on issues such as staff development, redesigning time and partnerships with relevant organisations (local industries, research organisations, parents associations and policy makers)
→ Suggesting a range of possible implementation models from small-scale prototypes through to setting up an “open school within a school” or even designing a new school.
Inspiring Projects
Be meaningful to your community
In a new project, Dutch learners aged 12 and 13, learn more about how to…
Transfer office to connect school and its community
A Transfer Office is a physical space in the centre of the school where daily…
Dark Skies Rangers Global Initiative
The international project and accelerator Dark Skies Rangers (DSR) aims to create a network of…
The School Garden
A school garden, an organic school garden, offers a place to enrich teaching efforts with…
The cemetery app
How are learners motivated to know more about history of their own city? In Spain,…