The main aim of the Learning Science Through Theatre (LSTT) approach is to give the opportunity to primary and high school students to stage a play and dramatize scientific concepts and knowledge from the material being taught in schools.
The LSTT’s domain specific objectives are to:
- Get students interested in science and research through theatrical play
- Teach students how to develop a theatrical script, relevant to a scientific topic
- Initiate the development of a theatrical performance from students, regarding a scientific topic
- Initiate contact between students and other professionals (for example directors and musicians)
- Bring schools closer to local community
- Engage parents and the general public into schools’ happenings and events
- Build National-wide student networks
- Open the school to the community and involve all the stakeholders.
Towards attaining these objectives, peripheral aims are formed addressing students’ needs to:
- develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
- develop understandings about scientific inquiry
- identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations
- design and conduct theatrical scripts relevant to scientific concepts and issues
- use technology to improve investigations, communications and the development of theatrical
performances and videos
- formulate and revise scientific scripts exploiting creativity and imagination
- recognize, analyze and imagine alternative explanations and models
- communicate a scientific argument or issue in a creative way
- develop lifelong learning skills
- develop attitudes befitting a scientific ethos
- link with science and society in a personal context
Ages: 7-18