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Quantum Spinoff brings science teachers and their pupils in direct contact with research andentrepreneurship in the high-tech nano sector, with the goal of educating a new generation ofscientifically literate European citizens and inspiring young people to choose for science and technology careers. Quantum Spin-Off links the insights of modern physics and the opportunities it offers to high-tech enterprising.

The activity is aimed at teachers and students in upper secondary level and (a) brings them into contact with basic research in nanotechnology and quantum physics and (b) provides opportunities to do their own research. The idea is to show students how an innovative idea can lead to an application in an enterprise. Under the guidance of researchers and entrepreneurs, the participating schools develop a technical application based on research results and convert this into a business plan. The outcomes also include learning and teaching materials on quantum physics and a science teacher training program.

Age: 16 to 18

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